You use your abdominal muscles for everyday living, and it can be challenging to slow down and recover. We’ve put together some guidance on what you’ll need for a good night’s rest after your tummy tuck.
You can do a lot in the days leading up to the procedure to prepare for the best sleeping position after tummy tuck surgery. Consider the following tips:
The healing process will take around six weeks for the incision to close and build scar tissue. Your scar will fade in color and likely shrink over the next year.
You should rest for a few days after the procedure. After that, you should try to walk around a few times a day to encourage blood flow to the incision area and decrease the chance of a blood clot from too much inactivity. Avoid driving, sports, and lifting small children during this time.
The best sleeping position after a tummy tuck isn’t up for debate: it’s slightly elevated and on your back. This can be challenging if you’re not used to it, as is moving around after an abdominal procedure.
We offer some tips to make the recovery process a bit easier for you.
You shouldn’t force yourself to get up more quickly than you can handle. Remember that it will be the most difficult to move around normally in the first 48 hours after the procedure. It should get more accessible every day. If you’re having significant trouble, contact us immediately.
Try to sleep on a slight incline, such as in a recliner or a bed that elevates your head. You may wish to put a pillow or a yoga bolster under your knees to reduce pressure on your abdominal muscles.
Try to avoid lying on your side for sleep, as this can be uncomfortable after the surgery. If you’ve had other procedures performed with your tummy tuck involving your abdomen or hips, you may be discouraged from lying on your side altogether.
You can plan ahead to reduce discomfort as much as possible. Along with creating a recovery spot at home or in your hotel, consider the following.
An abdominal binder will compress the area after surgery and help your body avoid accumulating extra fluid in the abdomen. It will also help support your muscles as you stand straight, walk, and move around after the surgery. After your procedure, you will be placed in the appropriate garment, and instructions will be provided.
Make time for downtime, eat well, take any medication prescribed to you, and monitor your incision site to ensure it is healing properly. Try to set yourself up for success post-procedure by setting up your space, having meals planned in advance so you can stay off your feet, and taking a break from work so you can focus on self-care.
Your doctor may instruct you to wear your binder for about six weeks. Your physician may tell you to keep wearing it for a slightly more extended period of time if it helps you sleep or continue daily activities.
Depending on your recovery progress, you can sleep on your side as early as two weeks after the surgery. If you feel comfortable on your back, it’s OK to continue sleeping this way.
Don’t pressure yourself to do anything but rest for the first 48 hours after your surgery. Remember, your body is doing the most challenging work of healing your incision site at this time. You can try standing up straight after a week of recovery.
It’s a good idea to sleep elevated or semi-reclined for at least a few days after your tummy tuck. If you find that this helps you sleep, feel free to keep it up.
Some people are uncomfortable or just sensitive to any differences in their sleep habits. Speak to your doctor about tips and prescription sleep aids to help you if you’re having a lot of trouble.
If you don’t naturally sleep on your back, you can try practicing going to sleep on your back before your procedure so it feels more natural later on.
Depending on your medical history and current needs, your surgeon may prescribe a supplement to assist with bruising, antibiotics, and topical medications.
Take anti-inflammatory drugs as needed, and ensure that you stay hydrated. Eat a healthy diet with enough protein to build collagen and speed up the wound-healing process.
Ask about what we offer extended, personalized care interests you. We are happy to help support your process so you expedite the healing process!
If you are healthy overall and aren’t scheduling a tummy tuck as a weight loss procedure, you may be an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck! However, a board-certified surgeon can confirm this, so you’ll need to get a consultation to ensure it’s the right fit for you.
At Formation, we value the fact that every one of our patients is unique, and our board-certified surgeons strive to give you personalized advice based on your individual body and goals.