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Liposuction For Men In Tampa

Are you tired of those love handles or being told you sport a “Dad-bod”? Find out how Formation’s liposuction for men can help eliminate stubborn fat and reveal the muscular, toned figure you’ve always wanted.

At Formation, we understand a “dream body” can look very different for male and female patients. While many female patients come to us looking for hourglass curves or a snatched waist, we understand most of our male patients have different liposuction goals.

That is why we have  focused on perfecting male liposuction techniques specifically tailored to create athletic angles and narrower waists, achieving the sough-after inverted pyramid torso (broad shoulders and slim waist). Whether your goal is to eliminate stubborn fat or increase ab definition, Dr. Gopal Grandhige and the team here at Formation have you covered.

What Is Liposuction For Men?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fat from a patient’s body. By melting and emptying out the deep layers of fat, it can be used to treat small or large areas from the chin to the calves. Liposculpture has evolved into a precise, highly effective, minimally invasive permanent method of removing unwanted, stubborn deposits of fat in order to regain the toned, athletic body you desire.

Power-Assisted Liposuction

This method utilizes vibration to loosen the fat cells to facilitate easier and more complete removal. Dr. Grandhige uses novel techniques to achieve additional skin contraction that normally involves the addition of other modalities and additional cost. Formation is a site for training other physicians in PAL-HD techniques.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Laser Liposuction

What Areas Can You Treat With Male Liposuction?

While we can target almost any part of the body, male liposuction is most commonly used to reduce fat in the following areas:
Banishing unwanted “love-handles” and exposing a tighter, smoother, flatter stomach helps slims the waist and lower torso – accentuating the appearance of a broad upper torso.
Removing fat from the lower and lateral borders of the chest creates sculpted pecs and may be combined with fat transfer for further definition.
Liposuction can successfully treat gynecomastia in the majority of patients.
By removing the fat on the flanks, leaving the central and upper bulk in place combined with removal of the highly diet-resistant lower back fat, the waistline is reduced creating the desired “V” torso.
Contouring the junction of the lower back and the upper buttock creates a shelf, resulting in an athletic butt.
Removal of fat helps contour the legs, resulting in a youthful appearance.

Am I A Good Candidate For Liposuction?

Although liposuction isn’t considered a major surgery, there are certain factors that can exclude someone from being a good candidate for the procedure. Our surgeons are best suited to determine if you qualify for liposuction, but you may be a good candidate if: