Sagging, lines, and loss of definition are typical parts of facial aging. Collagen and elastin start to decrease around the age of 30, and body fat begins to increase around the same time. While necessary for maintaining good health, diet and exercise alone can’t reverse these typical signs of aging.
Instead of a surgical approach, the FaceTite procedure utilizes radiofrequency-assisted liposuction, or RFAL, to melt and remove fat deposits, smooth the skin’s surface, and tighten the skin. Learn more about FaceTite in the following guide.
These two techniques together provide a similar look and feel to a traditional facelift — but without using a scalpel and causing potential scarring. FaceTite may also offer a more natural look than more invasive procedures.
Are you considering a FaceTite consultation? Good FaceTite candidates should meet the following criteria:
If your doctor has determined you are a good candidate for FaceTite, they will ask which areas are your biggest concerns. These are a few targeted areas that the FaceTite procedure can address:
FaceTite and facelifts address similar concerns, such as sagging skin, jowl development, premature deep wrinkles, and signs of aging on the face and neck. A facelift is a good choice for people who are unhappy with their current level of skin aging and do not want to look older than they are. A facelift is a surgical procedure, though, and it’s often performed under general anesthesia.
FaceTite is a less-invasive version of a facelift that addresses fat deposits under the skin and rejuvenates or tightens the appearance of the face, chin, and neck areas. You will spend only a few hours in your doctor’s office and see results quickly. While this procedure is not as “all-inclusive” as the traditional facelift, it’s perfect for those who do not want or need full cosmetic surgery. FaceTite will never result in the overdone or “pulled” look because no skin is removed.
The FaceTite procedure is meant solely for the face and neck, but comparable procedures are available for other body areas.
BodyTite is a similar treatment that addresses areas below the neck, such as the thighs, abdomen, arms, buttocks, hips, and others. It’s an excellent option for those seeking minimally invasive contouring effects with little downtime and an excellent safety record.
While it’s impossible to tell you what your individual results will be with FaceTite, most people find that the effects of RFAL last five to seven years. If you maintain your results with medical-grade skin care and yearly treatments to stimulate collagen, such as Morpheus8, you can extend this timeframe.
The effects are permanent; time is just turned back, and you age from that new starting point. This makes FaceTite an excellent option for those who do not want to spend time at a doctor’s office every month or two to maintain results.
Aftercare for FaceTite is relatively simple and requires no overnight or hospital stay. Don’t be alarmed if you see a bit of bruising and feel tender for a few days to a week. You will be asked to wear a chin strap at night and when at home. Your doctor may remind you to call the office if you experience extensive bruising, signs of infection, or anything else that seems “off” to you. Most people can return to work the day after they undergo the FaceTite procedure and do not experience significant side effects from RFAL.
While risks come with any medical or surgical procedure, FaceTite has a proven safety track record. Due to it being a noninvasive treatment, in general, it’s safer than a surgical procedure. Studies show that patients are typically highly satisfied with the results of FaceTite and only experience mild side effects such as swelling, hardness, and redness. According to patient reports and official studies, this discomfort tends to disappear entirely after five to seven days.
You may read that nerve damage and infection are potential results of any surgical procedure. These complications are infrequent. However, stories like this are why it is crucial to place your appearance — and your overall health — in the hands of qualified, board-certified surgeons who have a degree of exemplary patient care. Don’t settle for less than the best; the staff at Formation has your best interests at heart. It’s also important to review your personal risk factors with your doctor and any concerns you have before you consent to a cosmetic procedure.
If you’re dissatisfied with your appearance, don’t like the idea of a full facelift (or simply don’t need this level of contouring), and are in overall good health, FaceTite is worth the money. You’ll undergo an FDA-approved procedure with excellent safety rates as well as high patient satisfaction to reveal a more youthful, refreshed version of yourself — and you can experience results for years without having to visit your doctor or dermatologist every month or two.
Our board-certified surgeons, Dr. Gopal Grandhige and Dr. Ahmad Saad, combine years of experience and expertise to help people reveal the best physical versions of themselves possible. They believe that shedding things you don’t need — such as releasing objects, relationships, or weight — can create positive, lasting change in your life.
We look forward to helping you refresh and rejuvenate the most visible part of your body!